Why is it leaking when it didn’t before?

Here’s the hole I repaired in various states. You can see the red lead putty in the seam to fill the seam and deter fresh water mussels which were munching everywhere, particularly the old putty and the metal!

And here’s the paint job she ended up with:

Before and after:


So ten days out of the water. Lots of paint slapped on, a big hole repaired and some seams re caulked etc and guess what? Quite leaky on return to water. She barely leaked before. So “she’ll take up”. Quite difficult to believe when a big bucketful(50 litres) coming in every 10 minutes. Okay it had been hot and dry and she was out for 11 days but!

So first night fun and games was had trying to get sawdust down under hull about a meter to try and fill some of leaks. The idea is the sawdust will get sucked into the boat and block the leak. By the time this was finished leaks down to a bucketful every 20 mins. Guess that’s halved.

Next day more of that but with much finer dust.

By the end of that day halved again down to a bucket every 50 minutes. Of course no idea if that would of happened anyway or if the dusting made any difference. But at least I was relaxing about it by know. By Friday it was down to a bucketful every hour and a half so going the right way. I’ll go back on Sunday to see how she’s doing!

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